On behalf of VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, we were responsible for the graphic design of a new brochure on the development of industry in Saxony as well as for the editorial editing of the texts. The brochure is part of the “StrategieWerkstatt: Industrie der ZUKUNFT”, which was initiated by the Saxon Ministry of Economic Affairs with the task of developing the basic principles and guidelines of an industrial strategy for the Free State of Saxony. The 32-page booklet presents the results of the more than two-year strategy process vividly and informatively: It deals with innovations through creative and data-driven business models, new forms of cooperation and the expansion of employee skills, the idea of sustainability and the potential of digitisation. In close cooperation with the client, Archimedes Exhibitions edited texts, created graphics and brought them together in the form of the brochure. The result was published in spring in German and will soon be available in the English version translated by Archimedes Exhibitions. The brochure now serves as a basis for discussion on the future shape of Saxony’s industrial strategy and can be downloaded here.