A very special honour: Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands opened our exhibition “Humania” at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam today. As of 23 November, the interactive exhibition on human biology, sociology and psychology will be open to the public.
We designed and implemented “Humania” according to the Dutch exhibition architects Kossmann.Dejong’s concept. The exhibition is thematically divided into three main areas: “I was”, “I am” and “I will be”. From these starting points, the visitor can explore the essence of the human being through mental exercises and sporting tests, original objects and personal stories. At forty extraordinary exhibits and stations such as “Anatomical Impossibilities”, a “Cuddling Machine” or a “Tongue Kiss with a Foreign” Installation the visitors explore themselves, interact with each other in a playful way and by doing so, collect data about themselves. Some with surprising insights!
The exhibition is about the body, brain and health in general, but also about our behaviour, sexuality and desires. The visitors can get answers to the small and big questions of life like: How many cells do I consist of? How mobile and strong am I really? What does my name say about me? Am I a social person or not? And what does death mean to me? The exhibition is intended to encourage reflection and an active exchange with other visitors.
“Humania” is primarily aimed at visitors aged twelve and above.
Click here to go to the NEMO website: https://www.nemosciencemuseum.nl/en/activities-at-nemo/exhibitions/humania/