Since 10 September the new permanent exhibition “Media tell their (hi)stories” is open at the Museum for Communication Frankfurt. On 2500 m², 44 narrative areas and more than 500 original exhibits tell the history of communication in an interactive and colourful way.
The four phenomena acceleration, networking, control and participation serve as the main topics for exhibition design. Each of them has its own individual place amidst the exhibition, functioning as sort of a walk-in food for thought. The innovative concept of the exhibition is characterised by the disengagement from the classical museum that relies itself on a chronological structure. Instead, the exhibition appears as sort of a pop-up picture book whose stories may be explored freely by the visitors in order to create their own dramaturgy.
At 44 narrative areas, exemplary media histories are being shown, presenting technical achievements of mankind, as well as impressive anecdotes. The front side of each of these stations allows a playful access to the respective topic while the anecdotes on the back offer deeper insights. The exhibition, thus, offers two completely different approaches to the content, showing fateful moments of the history of communication, such as the last telegrams from the Titanic or Justine Sacco’s fateful tweet.
The exhibition is open:
Tuesday to Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday and Sunday: 11am – 7pm
Admission: between 1,50 Euro and 4 Euro
More information can be found here .