Archimedes has developed the touring exhibition “How to get to 100 – and enjoy it” for the Max Planck Society and Population Europe. The exhibition links latest research outcomes to visitors’ personal life. The special feature: Visitors become a virtual part of the exhibition concept and follow the course of their lives from a personal and demographic perspective by turns. The project shows interactively individual aspects of demographic change in Europe – and yet has some surprising results to disclose! The content bases on research work by leading European population experts and research institutes forming the Population Europe network.
Each visitor explores the exhibition with an iPad and, using the exhibition app, discovers his or her individual future – through a game or a quiz, by using interactive information graphics or listening to interviews with experts. Through visitors’ interactive participation, a unique picture is created of the European peoples’ personal future expectations and prospects in the demographic change – thus the exhibition grows with every visitor.
The exhibition was shown for the first time at the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin in October 2013. The exhibition afterwards has embarked on a tour through Europe.
Client: Max Planck Society | Population Europe Exhibition Space: 100–250 m² Opening: 2013 Languages: Deutsch | Englisch
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