Look: there's the Earth!

Perspectives of an astronaut

Exhibition | Science Centre

The permanent exhibition of the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw

In the permanent exhibition “Look: there’s the Earth!“ for the Planetarium of the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw our daily perception from bottom to top is turned upside down: Visitors can adopt the perspective of an astronaut!

In this way the exhibition shows how, for example, satellites can contribute with their most refined technology to more sensitivity in dealing with Earth and nature by observing the Earth from space, recording and interpreting data that can influence scientific insights. Satellites have an important impact on our daily lives, but are also used to forecast natural phenomena and prevent disasters.

But how did mankind manage to get such objects to Earth’s orbit without crashing?

And how do they keep it? The exhibition explains these and many other questions vividly. Visitors can enter a true to life mock-up of the International Space Station, the ISS Cupola, and enjoy an impressive view into space. Touch-screen computers present analyses and documentations of satellite data, different types of satellites and GPS, and demonstrate interactively the permanent change in nature and earth. The highlights of the exhibition designed by Archimedes include four original meteorites, Augmented Reality exhibits, a hydrogen rocket and a walk-in spacesuit.

Client: Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw Exhibition Space: 435 , 3 floors Opening: 5.11.2015

More Information: www.kopernik.org.pl/en/planetarium/