Commissioned by the German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), Archimedes has redesigned the area on “Parliamentary Democracy” in the exhibition “Milestones – Setbacks – Sidetracks” on German history at the Deutscher Dom in the heart of Berlin. In this new exhibition, historic exhibits, stagings and interactive media are combined to an attractive visitor experience.
The relevance to the reality of our lives is always at the centre of the exhibition. Why did the Federal Republic of Germany adopt a system of parliamentary democracy? What are the advantages of this form of government? How do proceedings in the Federal Parliament affect my life? How do politics affect me personally?
Highlight of the exhibition is the central cupola hall, where we installed a fully functional “Participatory Parliament”. With a federal parliamentary eagle, speaker’s desk, president’s seat and many more details, the plenary hall is a detailed replica of its original. Every Thursday that the German parliament is in session, visitors can participate in a roleplay “Plenary Session”. For 45 minutes, they play the part of a member of parliament, can actively debate proposed legislation and vote on bills.
Client: Federal German Parliament Exhibition Space: 560 m² Realisation Period: 02/2012 – 08/2013 Exhibition Venue Deutscher Dom, Berlin Languages: German | English
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Highlight and heart of the exhibition is a replica of the plenary hall from the Reichstag building directly under the dome of the German Cathedral. Wth a federal eagle, blue seats, lectern and presidential square, the hall was modeled on the original with many details.
A media panel with gong, clapping and interjections for the appropriate background noise complete the atmosphere. The hall also regularly hosts the role-playing game “Plenary Session”, in which adults and young people aged 14 and over can participate. A plenary session is simulated with professional actors while the visitors slip into the role of members of the Bundestag. They can actively intervene in the meeting or participate only as spectators. Especially young people are thus encouraged to live active democracy. The plenary hall thereby becomes a living part of the exhibition.